They started pitocin at 7am and broke her water not long after that.
11:00am she was 5 cms
11:30am she was 7 cms
12:00pm she was 9 cms
12:20pm she was fully dialated and pushing.
12:40pm Baby A was born
12:46pm Baby B was born.
There were never complications and heartrates were great the whole time. G didn't get any pain meds and labored all around the room. She wasn't able to leave room because she had to stay on monitors but she just moved around room. Labored on ball and the bed. She did great!
G didn't have to push much to get Baby A out and then didn't push at all to get B out. He just came on his own. We couldn't ask for a better delivery. It was great we were able to have pain med free vaginal delivery of twins! Every one was so surprised.
Doctor was surprised how fast everything went. He planned to come check on her at 12 and thought she would be a few cm dialated not that he would be delivering then. Her contractions were a few mins apart most of time so she was glad it went so fast.
They never had to up her pitocin higher then 10 so we were thankful. We were so scared about being induced because we knew it could up the chances of having complications and not getting the vaginal delivery we wanted.
She did tear and had stitches and some bleeding but not too bad.
Baby A weighed 5lb 13ozs 18.75 inches long and head was 13in
Baby B weighed 4lb 14ozs 18.5 inches long and head was 12.5 in
Baby A was same weight he was day before on ultrasound but B was a lot less. Both were doing great tho!
They were a little concerned about A because he had 2 vessel cord and B because he was so small but they were doing great. A had an ultrasound on his kidneys the next day because babies with two vessel cord could have problems. It showed the pyramids were swollen but that could be because he was dehydrated so he had a repeat one on Monday April 6 that showed everything was fine. They told us they were worried about Bs sugar and temp but both were great whole time.
We left Saturday around 5 pm. Baby A weighed 5lb 7ozs and Baby B weighed 4lb 9ozs when we were discharged. So not too much loss and breastfeeding seems to be going well. G struggled a little with latching up it gets better every day.
Took us a day but we finally came up with names.....
Baby A is Austin Lee
Baby B is Grant Lewis
Baby A weighed 5lb 13ozs 18.75 inches long and head was 13in
Baby B weighed 4lb 14ozs 18.5 inches long and head was 12.5 in
Baby A was same weight he was day before on ultrasound but B was a lot less. Both were doing great tho!
They were a little concerned about A because he had 2 vessel cord and B because he was so small but they were doing great. A had an ultrasound on his kidneys the next day because babies with two vessel cord could have problems. It showed the pyramids were swollen but that could be because he was dehydrated so he had a repeat one on Monday April 6 that showed everything was fine. They told us they were worried about Bs sugar and temp but both were great whole time.
We left Saturday around 5 pm. Baby A weighed 5lb 7ozs and Baby B weighed 4lb 9ozs when we were discharged. So not too much loss and breastfeeding seems to be going well. G struggled a little with latching up it gets better every day.
Took us a day but we finally came up with names.....
Baby A is Austin Lee
Baby B is Grant Lewis
Austin is on the left in all these pics.