Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Birth Story

We got up around 3:30am.  We live over an hour from the hospital so had to get up early.  It was 6 am when we got there.

They started pitocin at 7am and broke her water not long after that.

11:00am she was 5 cms

11:30am she was 7 cms

12:00pm she was 9  cms

12:20pm she was fully dialated and pushing.

12:40pm Baby A was born

12:46pm Baby B was born.

There were never complications and heartrates were great the whole time.  G didn't get any pain meds and labored all around the room.  She wasn't able to leave room because she had to stay on monitors but she just moved around room.  Labored on ball and the bed.  She did great!

G didn't have to push much to get Baby A out and then didn't push at all to get B out.  He just came on his own.  We couldn't ask for a better delivery.  It was great we were able to have pain med free vaginal delivery of twins!  Every one was so surprised.

Doctor was surprised how fast everything went.  He planned to come check on her at 12 and thought she would be a few cm dialated not that he would be delivering then.  Her contractions were a few mins apart most of time so she was glad it went so fast.

They never had to up her pitocin higher then 10 so we were thankful.  We were so scared about being induced because we knew it could up the chances of having complications and not getting the vaginal delivery we wanted. 

She did tear and had stitches and some bleeding but not too bad. 

Baby A weighed 5lb 13ozs 18.75 inches long and head was 13in

Baby B weighed 4lb 14ozs 18.5 inches long and head was 12.5 in

Baby A was same weight he was day before on ultrasound but B was a lot less.  Both were doing great tho!

They were a little concerned about A because he had 2 vessel cord and B because he was so small but they were doing great.  A had an ultrasound on his kidneys the next day because babies with two vessel cord could have problems.  It showed the pyramids were swollen but that could be because he was dehydrated so he had a repeat one on Monday April 6 that showed everything was fine.  They told us they were worried about Bs sugar and temp but both were great whole time.

We left Saturday around 5 pm.  Baby A weighed 5lb 7ozs and Baby B weighed 4lb 9ozs when we were discharged.  So not too much loss and breastfeeding seems to be going well.  G struggled a little with latching up it gets better every day.

Took us a day but we finally came up with names.....

Baby A is Austin Lee
Baby B is Grant Lewis

Austin is on the left in all these pics.  

37 weeks

So G's appt April 1st went great.

Baby A weighed  5lb13ozs 28 percentile fluid 6cm
Baby B weighed 5lb6ozs 16 percentile fluid 5 cm

Since everything looked so good we were good to do induction at the hospital we wanted.  We also found out she could deliver right in the room.  Doctor was still on board with no pain meds too since baby B was still head down.

G was dilated 2 cms and was almost completely effaced.

We needed to be at hospital at 6 am April 2nd.  We went home and got everything packed up and tried to get some sleep.

Monday, March 23, 2015

36 weeks

G went to this appt without me March 23rd and of course the babies acted cute!  The measurements are about the same as last week but puts them at lower percentiles.

Baby A 5lbs 7ozs 20 percentile

Baby B 4lbs 12ozs 10 percentile

So measurements can't be quite right since I'm pretty sure A didn't lose weight.  Seems like the placenta isn't working as well but doc still wants to wait till April 2 nd to induce.  I don't think she will make it.

She had some contractions show up on the NST and she's fully effaced, head is -1 and she's 1 cm dilated.  

G had another appt Friday March 27th but saw a different doc because ours is on vacation till Wednesday.  She didn't do much just looked at NST which looked good.  Basically acted like she didn't want to say anything because it would be different then our doc would say.  

Today is March 31st and still no babies looks like she will be induced April 2nd.  We have appt tomorrow to check on babies and make last minute decisions I will do my best to update ASAP! 

35 weeks

G had her 35 week appt Thursday March 19th.  Everything looked great and seems on track to make it close to induction scheduled April 2nd.  Only concern is Baby B being so small but since fluid for both babies is still good both over 6 cms not too worried.  Going to doc 2 days next week tho to keep an eye on them.  

Baby A 5lbs8ozs 52 percentile, heart rate 140, and 6.26cm fluid

Baby B 4lb8ozs 13 percentile, heart rate 152, and 7.27cm fluid

Here is G at 35 weeks 

Friday, March 13, 2015

R update

So I have been writing so much about the twins and this pregnancy and I haven't said much on how R is doing.  He is 18 months now.  He has been walking since about 10 months and has been saying "mom" and "cat" for about that long as well.  He has been able to tell us where his body parts are since about 12 months.  Well he points to them.  He has been eating table food since around 9 months now.  He finally got some molars in (2 on top and 2 on bottom) so he can eat almost anything now.  He has 9 teeth fully in (4 top front, 2 bottom front, and the 4 molars) and 1 tooth just poking out front bottom.

He seems to understand everything we say.  He can go get things we ask for.  He loves to help cook and clean.  Right now after dinner he goes to get his broom to sweep up the mess he made on the floor.  And when he wants to help cook he goes to get a stool.  He LOVES pancakes.  Esp blueberry ones.  My dad and him make them a lot.  R knows what to get out and does it himself to let his grandpa know that he wants them.  He goes to get the pancake mix and the bowl and pan to make them in.

He can shake his head for "no"  and makes a "eh" sound for yes.  He barks when he wants to get the dogs and makes a "spsp" sound to call the cats.

He has been giving hugs and kisses for at least 6 months now.  And in last month or so started touching pointer fingers to people which his Mommy G does for meaning "love"  It is something she always did with our niece and now does with R.

Yesterday he gave his baby doll his bottle.  And when we ask him where his baby is he touches his belly then points to Mommy G's belly. lol

Here are all of his measurements:

It goes Weight, Height, and Head I don't have Height and Head for all of them.

Birth:  7lbs 11ozs (47%), 21in (90%), 13.8in (35%)

1 month: 11lbs (68%), 22in (52%)

2 months:  14lbs (84%), 23.5in (55%), 17in (97%)

4 months:  16lbs (79%)

5 months:  17lbs 7ozs (79%), 2ft 3in (92%), 17.6in (92%)

6 months:  19lbs 3ozs (83%)

7 months: 19lbs 8ozs (71%), 2ft 4.5in (92%), 18in (88%)

8 months:  21lbs 2ozs (72%)

9 months:  21lbs 8ozs (66%), 2ft 5.5in (86%), 18.6in (93%)

12 months: 25lbs (76%), 2ft 8.5in (98%), 19in (91%)

15 months: 25lbs 12ozs (66%), 2ft 9.4in (96%), 19.3in (90%)

18 months:  28lbs 8ozs (81%), 2ft 10.3in (93%), 19.5 (90%)

At his 15 month appt his doctor seemed surprised he was only saying "mom" and "cat" but didn't say much about it but at his 18 month appt last week she did.  She is referring us to Early Intervention to get an evaluation done.  She thinks it's nothing to worry about but that if he does need help now is the time to do it.  And we agree and totally expected that to happen.  We weren't surprised at all.  During his doctor's visit tho he grabbed her stethoscope and tried to listen to his heart and throw it around his neck like she did.  She asked if he had one at home and we said "no" and she then said how impressed she was that he was doing that.  That was more of a 2 and a half year old behavior and she thinks he is just not wanting to talk yet because he is smart.  And we think that as well but will do the eval.  They called me yesterday and are coming to our house March 18th to talk to G and I and do paperwork.  Then they will set up his eval.  I just can't wait to get it over with!

He is still breastfeeding strong lol and I feel like he will never stop!  He does drink cow milk during the day if I am not around.  I am trying to only breastfeed him for naps and bedtime but I haven't been successful yet!  I am happy he never had any formula but wish I could get a break from breast feeding sometimes! lol Especially throughout the night.  He wakes up few times a night to breastfeed still.  He does normally sleep in his crib from 8-9 pm to 2 am so I get that time to rest but after that he's awake to breastfeed then sleeps in our bed rest of the night.  Should be interesting with the twins coming!!

Well that is all I can think of to update for now.  I will update on his eval and anything else I can think of soon!!  Short twin update coming next!!

Here is R feeding his Baby and wearing his goggles lol

Friday, March 6, 2015

33 weeks

G had her appt yesterday (March 5th).  She was 33w2ds.  Everything looked great again!! Yay!! We really never thought we would get this far.  Only 3 more weeks till our goal of 36 weeks!!  Baby B measured smaller again but consistent with all other measurements besides that 1 day they looked the same size so were are thinking measurements were wrong that 1 week.  Doctor is very happy and thinks we can wait 2 weeks for another ultrasound.  So we might get another ultrasound around March 18th-20th if she makes it that far.  Both babies passed their Biophysical tests with 8 out of 8 and the NST looked great!  G's cervix measured 1.49cm so again no real change in the length so that's great news.

G has a lump and redness on her breast which we think is a clogged milk duct already but doc was concerned and she had an ultrasound on it yesterday.  She goes today to find out what it is.  It's getting smaller and doesn't hurt anymore so we are thinking it's no big deal.

Here are their stats

Baby A:  heart rate 137 measured 32w6ds 4lb 8ozs 47th percentile and 6.62cm fluid

Baby B:  heart rate 146 measured 31w3ds 3lbs 15ozs 27th percentile and 5.94cm fluid

We are thinking their names MIGHT be Austin Ray and Grant Lewis but we are undecided for sure and will wait till they are born for our final decision.

Here are some pics.  We finally got some 3d of Baby A

32 weeks

So G had her appt February 26th.  She was 32w2ds.  Everything went okay but there are some things to start watching.  Last time they measured the babies 2 and half weeks ago the babies measured almost even now Baby B is smaller again.  They aren't sure if the last time he was measured wrong and he is just still small or if something is wrong.  Well not really wrong just that maybe the placenta isn't helping him grow as much as it was.  So we have to go back weekly for ultrasounds to keep an eye on that.  Everything else was great.  They passed their Biophysical Profile with an 8 out of 8 and the NST looked good.  Both boys are still head down!!

Here are their stats

Baby A heart-rate 146 measured 32w4ds 4lbs4ozs 56 percentile

Baby B heart-rate 152 measured 30w5ds 3lbs 9ozs 25 percentile

G's belly measured 39 weeks for singleton pregnancy so she is getting "full term" looking and uncomfortable.  Her cervix measured 1.5 so still about the same.  We are thinking we are going to make it to our goal of 36 weeks!!  Doctor is talking about inducing her at 36 or 37 weeks.  He is not on call those weeks on the schedule so I am not sure what his plan will be tho.  Guess we wait and see!

Here are some pics.  Only got 1 pic of Baby A.

Friday, February 20, 2015

31 weeks

February 16th was G's last appt.  We were worried going in because she had some cramping and braxton hicks over the weekend.  I had our bags all packed and in the car in case she was admitted.  Also R and our dogs were at my parents for the day or longer.  I figured better to plan for the worst and hope for the best.  I think this caused G to be more worried but I knew if she was admitted she would want her own things and would want me to be with her.  We are over an hour away from hospital so it wouldn't be easy to just run home to get her stuff.

Her ultrasound was first and the tech decided to just check her cervix first to know that right away.  It was 1.5 so basically it hadn't changed!! Yay!  So we were very happy about that.  The boys looked great!  They had about same fluid they had last week and were doing what the tech called "practice breathing"  Also both were head down!! We are so happy about that.  I know G really wants a vaginal delivery!  She didn't measure them because she said that should be done every 2 weeks so next week we will see how much they weigh.

Next she had the non stress test NST and everything looked great on that!  The doc was very happy with everything so far and thinks she should be able to try for a vaginal birth without meds like she wants.  I asked if he thought the other docs would let her in case he isn't the one on call and he thinks they would all be on board esp since they are both head down.  Next they talked about G working and they decided since there is stress in her work it was best to go out on disability so no more work for G.  She is happy to be home spending quality time with R before the twins come.

Here are some more pictures.  Next appt February 26th!

28-30 weeks

So G passed her 1 hour glucose test!  Also her urine tests still look good so no more UTIs!  Her last appt I mentioned in the previous blog was just with the doc so she didn't find much out.  Her next appt after that was schedule for 2 weeks and was February 9th and she had an ultrasound that day.

That appt started out great.  She was one day shy of 30 weeks and the boys looked great.

Baby A:  3lb 1oz 46 percentile and 5.5cm fluid heart rate 143
Baby B:  3lbs 40 percentile and 4.9cm fluid heart rate 154

We were so happy Baby B caught up to his brother some and both their fluids looked good.  Also Baby A was head down and Baby B was transverse with his head close to being down.  So looking like we can try for vaginal delivery!  Then the ultrasound tech checked her cervix and there was the not so good news....it was only 1.6 cms long now and it had been 3.2.

The doctor was concerned but not too worried yet.  We did decide to do the steroid shots just in case they were going to come early.  It was something I was going to ask about anyways but then didn't have to because he brought it up.  She got one that day and then the next.  He told G she could work still this week but to try to stay off her feet as much as possible and no lifting but she should tell her work this might be last week.

We left the appt a little worried but knew their odds of survival were good even that early.  Next appt was scheduled for 1 week and she was going to have a non-stress test too

After that appt she had an appt with the urologist.  We had to wait long time to see him but then it was a quick appt.  Everything looks good.  She still has blockage in right kidney but left is better which is pretty normal for pregnancy so he is hoping after their birth everything will fix itself and she won't need surgery.  Her next appt with him is Feb 25.

Here are some pics!!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Maternity pics

We decided to do maternity pics early for G.  We wanted to make sure we got them done before she delivered and we wanted to do them before she got too uncomfortable.  They were done at 25w4ds.  Here are a few.

 Also same day we did R's 1 year pics since we were already there!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

25-27 weeks

Everything was looking better by the time G had her next appt on January 8th.  She was 25 weeks 2 days.  She had seen urology on January 6th and all her test were looking good.  Seems the IV antibiotic and daily oral antibiotics were working.  Yay!!  What a relief that was!

We were concerned about the ultrasound since it had been 3 weeks since the last one and it's recommended to get them every 2 weeks with identical twins but we can't seem to get that thru the doctors head!  But everything looked great!!  Baby A still looks to have a 2 vessel cord but he is holding strong at 58 percentile.  And Baby B was 32 percentile so they are staying pretty consistent so that's great!!

Baby A weighed 1 lb 13 ozs and had 6 to 7 cm fluid
Baby B weighed 1 lb 8 ozs and had 4 to 5 cm fluid

And G's cervix length was 3.2 cm so that's looking good as well.

The tech was able to see both bladders so another good sign no TTTS!!

So we left the ultrasound feeling great but then we saw the doctor.  He doesn't make us feel as great any longer....since we had the trouble with him ordering category D medication he doesn't treat us the same.  He treats us like we know nothing and he knows everything.  And I am sorry but I do my research so I know things!!  He acts like I am not even in the room.  Really bugs me!!  I tried to get him AGAIN to do ultrasounds everything 2 weeks like recommended and he just kept talking saying he would move it up to 4 weeks instead of 5 weeks and that he would see G in 2 but no ultrasound.  Grr makes me so mad.  But G didn't fight him on it so I let it go.  It's her body so I try not to push too much even tho I want to!! lol

Both babies heart rates are still around 160 like the have been almost the whole pregnancy.  And this time I remembered to look at the tape when he measured G's belly.  It measured 32 weeks.  My midwife used to tell me all these things and explain everything to me.  This doc does not so you just have to pay attention to catch the details.  Again drives me nuts!!

G just had her 1 hour glucose test and is meeting with the doc for her 27 week appt as I am writing this.  I didn't go this time because there was no ultrasound and the doctor just upsets me anyways.  I thought it would be best if I just went to work.  I am hoping she passes her 1 hour glucose test.  I failed mine but did pass my 3 hour.  I blame it on the twizzlers I ate before bed before my 1 hour test lol ooops

Here are some pics of the babies!  They still don't have names....we are having so much trouble!!


 4d face yawning


Saturday, January 10, 2015


So the last time I blogged we had just went for ultrasound and had an appt scheduled for December 23 with urology.  Well we went to that appt and things then got scary. I hadn't planned on going to the appt but some thing told me I needed to so R and I went with G.  We go back to room and doc asks me and R to leave because R will be a distraction.  I was not happy.  I figured he just thought I was G's friend with a kid not her wife and child so that's why he kicked us out.  Well we were in waiting room for 30 mins and I start to get worried.  Thinking "wow he must have kicked us out because this is serious" well it was.  Finally the doc came and got me and told me the ultrasound showed both G's kidneys were blocked and this would most likely mean surgery but he wanted and MRI to be sure.  He said anything we do right now could cause preterm labor so he wanted to be sure of a course of treatment. G was 23 weeks pregnant that day so she can't deliver.

So I am freaking out and wishing I had taken R to my parents house.  The appt was at 8 am so I didn't want to have to take him there at 6am so that's why I hadn't.  I call my dad and tell him what's going on and that he might have to come get Rayden but I will keep him updated.  I am trying really hard not to cry at this time.  I go back in to the office and we are told G's insurance has denied the MRI but they are trying to fight it.  Great!  Omg now what?  We talk and decide if we have to pay for it we will find a way but doc says to go for bloodwork and come back and they will let us know what the plan is.  We do and still no progress when we get back.  Doc says go home and they will work on insurance.  They think it can wait a little bit because G is still able to function eventho she's in pain.

5:30 that night the insurance finally gives approval for MRI.  And G calls first thing next morning to get it scheduled.  She gets MRI scheduled for 11:15 and I call my Dad to come get R since I didn't have time to take him there and get back.  My parent's house is in opposite direction of hospital.

As we are waiting for MRI we are thinking since it's Christmas Eve we probably won't get results today but when MRI was over the doctor met G outside room.  He said they are saying they don't have someone to read MRI till 4 but that's not good enough so he is going to make them read it ASAP.  He took us to get bloodwork and said he would be back.  He came back when G was getting bloodwork and told me he wanted us to go to infusion for G to get IV antibiotics for the next 7 days but to go eat lunch first.  We stop at infusion to find out how long we need to waste at lunch to decide if we eat there or out.  It turns out not to be too long so we go to cafe.  Doctor shows up there and says he saw MRI results and right kidney is blocked but left isn't as bad as they thought so no surgery!  Yay we were so relieved.  He just wants her to come to hospital every day for the infusion instead of being admitted and then oral antibiotics after that.  It was the best news we could have gotten.

G went for infusions every day even Christmas day but it could have been much worse.  She started feeling better right away.  Hoping we don't have that scare again!