Saturday, December 8, 2012


The doctors office did call on Thursday to give me the update on our babies.  Out of the 36 eggs 33 were mature and 28 fertilized!!  Yes Thursday we had 28 babies!!  We were shocked and very excited!!  So they scheduled us for a Day 5 transfer Monday at 9:45.  My next decision was to do acupuncture before and after transfer.  My clinic has it right there and they give one free one with every IVF, but they say it's best if you do one before and one after transfer.  I of course got online and did some research.  I found some studies that says it helps, but also found some that says it doesn't.  Sooo that didn't help with my decision.  Then I asked G what I should do and she says I should do it.  So I make the appts one for 8:45 one for 10:45.  I like it when she makes the decisions it takes so much pressure off me!!

Thursday I woke up feeling just a little sore, but by the end of the day I felt like a balloon.  When I got home from work I asked G if I looked like one?! lol  I started to worry about OHSS.  So I took it easy and felt much better yesterday and feel even better today.  I am hoping the worst is over!

Yesterday I started to wonder about our babies and how they were doing.  I wasn't sure if they were going to contact me about them or if I was suppose to contact them so I emailed the lab manager.  She told me that they don't even look at them on Day 2 and they won't contact me about them unless its bad news.  They will check on them on Day 3 to make sure they don't have to move up the transfer, but with the amount of eggs we had she doubted that would happen.  So no news is good news and today was Day 3 and no call about our babies!!  So yay we must still have lots of babies growing!!

I did get a call from the doctor's office today.  They want to move my transfer later Monday to 12:15.  Which is fine with us because their office is 2 hours from us.  I just had to make sure I could reschedule my acupuncture as well and I was able to.  Now they are 11:15 and 1:30. 

Now just wait till Monday!!


  1. Yay!!! I'm sending you lots of baby dust and sticky vibes! Ill be thinking of you on Monday! Be sure to update us.

    1. I will I really can't wait till Monday so that we can find out how our "babies" are doing!!

  2. YAY! So happy for you all! Monday will be here before you know it. Thinking good vibes!

  3. Replies
    1. Great two 5AA blasts transfered....hopefully get my blog up soon!
