Monday, November 10, 2014

A Scare

First we had our next appt with the Dr. Oct 13th.  It was an quick an easy appt once we finally saw the doctor.  Listened to the heartbeats and basically that was it.  We scheduled the next appt for a month and were on our way.  Well the next evening G started bleeding.  She was 13 weeks.  I have been there I know how awful it feels but I also know that it's not always terrible.  I bled a few times with R and he is fine.  I had placenta previa so I figured that was it.  My bleeding started around the same time. I was able to stay calm but G of course was very scared and I called the doc.  Thank god I was the one that called!!  It was the on call doctor and she basically told me she thought G was loosing one of the babies but to not go to ER to just wait and come in and see our doctor the next day.  I told G that she said it happens a lot and not to panic that we would see doctor the next morning.

We went in Oct 15th to see Dr. Farrell.  I asked him if the bleeding could be the same as mine since it was around same time and he told me he doubted it.  He said "bleeding doesn't happen often and shouldn't happen.  Even tho its the same time as yours doesn't mean its the same thing."  This scared me because that is not what I was told and why couldn't it be the same thing??  I might have been upset.  Anyways they did an ultrasound 13w1d and everything was fine.  Babies looked great and were moving all around.  Looks like she had low lying placenta like I thought!!!  Doctor came in and told us that and acted like I had never even mentioned it.  I wanted to say "I told you so" but I was just so happy everything was okay that I didn't.  He told her to take it easy and rest for the next 2 weeks.  That led us to our next problem.  We had vacation scheduled and we were leaving for Florida on Saturday that same week.  He would tell us if we should or shouldn't go so we just decided to wait and see if the bleeding stopped. G had the next 3 days off work before we were leaving so she was just going to rest all that time.

Luckily the bleeding stopped the next day and we did go on vacation.  We relaxed most of time but did get to take R to Magic Kingdom one day plus we were able to do a few other fun things.

G's next appt is later today Nov 10th and she is 16w6ds and she has had no more bleeding!!  Finally got this blog back up to date lol but I am sure that won't last long.  Isn't as easy to blog with a toddler!!

Here are a few pictures from our vacation

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